Shhh Electric Landscaping

When Should Your First Mow Be? South Jersey Lawn Care

Mar 04, 2024

As the winter chill fades and spring beckons, South Jersey residents eagerly anticipate the lush greenery that comes with the season. One crucial task to kickstart your lawn's growth is mowing. But when is the right time to mow your grass for the first time? Let's explore the answer, tailored to different types of grass commonly found in South Jersey.

1. Cool-Season Grasses: Cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass thrive in the cooler temperatures of spring and fall. In South Jersey, where winters can be relatively mild, these grasses start to green up early. Aim to mow for the first time when the grass reaches a height of about 3-4 inches, typically in late March to early April.

2. Warm-Season Grasses: Warm-season grasses such as Bermuda grass, Zoysia grass, and Centipede grass are prevalent in South Jersey due to their tolerance to heat and drought. These grasses remain dormant during the winter months and begin to grow vigorously as temperatures rise. Wait until late spring, around mid April, to mow warm-season grasses for the first time, once they have begun actively growing.

3. Transition Zone Grasses: South Jersey falls within the transition zone, where both cool-season and warm-season grasses can be grown. If your lawn consists of a mix of grass types, consider the predominant grass type when deciding when to mow for the first time. Follow the guidelines for either cool-season or warm-season grasses, depending on which type dominates your lawn.

Tips for the First Mow:

  • Ensure your lawnmower blades are sharp to achieve clean cuts and prevent tearing of grass blades.
  • Set the mower deck at a height appropriate for the grass type to avoid scalping or stressing the lawn.
  • Avoid mowing wet grass, as it can lead to clumping and uneven cuts.
  • Gradually reduce mowing height throughout the growing season to maintain the ideal height for your grass type.

Knowing when to mow your grass for the first time in South Jersey is essential for promoting healthy growth and a vibrant lawn. By understanding the characteristics of your grass type and following the guidelines provided, you can ensure your lawn gets off to a strong start in the spring. Happy mowing!

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